Mindfulness Courses

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8-Week Mindfulness Now Course

Held online as live group sessions on zoom, this structured 8-week clinical Mindfulness Now course is designed to help develop self awareness and manage stress, anxiety, and other personal challenges. Through meditations, mindful movement exercises, discussions and awareness practices participants often find they develop an entirely different relationship with stress and difficulty. Some find the course transformative. As part of this course, you will be expected to begin a regular mindful practice.

These 8-week courses are held three times a year. To be kept updated on the next course, please click below.


6-Week Creative Mindfulness


Held online, with live group sessions on zoom and self-study elements, based on the Mindfulness Now program, but with the addition of creative elements, such as journalling, free writing, poetry composition, drawing, painting and other creative practices. As with the Mindfulness Now course, meditation is a key element of the program, as well as mindful movement exercises, discussions and awareness practices. This course is ideal for those who would like to begin to explore new forms of self expression; for those who are experiencing writers’ or artists’ ‘block’ and for those who would like to unlock inspiration and creativity.

These courses are held two or three times a year. To be kept updated on the next course, please click below.


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Creative Mindfulness

Self-Study Course

An online self-study creative mindfulness course. Similar to the 6-week live creative mindfulness course, this program is designed for those who prefer to study in their own time and at their own pace. Many of the elements will be the same as the course above, but will be prerecorded so you can watch at your convenience.

This course is still under development. It will be on a rolling schedule so once it is available you can join at any time.