Distant Reiki Healing

Distant Reiki Healing
Reiki is a form of high-vibrational energy healing, that can be enjoyed in person, or from a distance. Wherever you are in the world, you can benefit from distant Reiki healing.
A Reiki Healing Session provides a relaxing and positive way to help you heal your whole body. It promotes physical, emotional, mental and energetic wellbeing, and is deeply relaxing and soothing.
Reiki is suitable for any age, and is even beneficial for animals. It can be enjoyed in person (in Penzance, Cornwall UK) or in your own home at a distance
With distance Reiki, we talk on the phone or on zoom beforehand at a designated time. You lie down and relax wherever you are, and we reconvene at the end of the session where we can discuss anything that came up during the healing. It is just as powerful as if we are in the same room.
Reiki is:
Deeply relaxing
Cannot do any harm
Aids the body’s natural healing process
Releases tension
Provides a sense of well-being
Aids restful sleep
To book - please buy a session here in the shop and I will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time for the session.
For more information read on…
By simply allowing Reiki to flow to a person, animal or situation, through the power of intent and focus, I can carry out a complete Reiki treatment on a specific person (or animal) at a distance, with the same effectiveness as if they were with me, receiving a hands-on treatment in person.
Here are some further guidelines about distance Reiki for you to consider:
Pay for the session in advance here on my website - I will then contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time for the healing.
At the time of your appointment(s) you should be at home, relaxing, in a room on your own where you won’t be disturbed (your bedroom would be ideal). We will speak on the phone or on zoom at the start and end of the session. We can be on zoom for the entire session if you prefer.
Try to ensure that you are free from distractions and interruptions and, whilst the healing is in progress, ensure also that you have your phone switched off or on silent.
Set an alarm for half an hour, this is to signal the end of your healing session, of course you may feel that you are in such a lovely relaxed state you can stay there for longer.
Lie down, get cosy and close your eyes. Do nothing other than that! All you need to do is be comfortable and relax.
Reiki healing is more than powerful enough to reach and work on you unaided, so you don’t need to help it.
During the distant reiki session you will experience the same sensations that you would experience as if you were coming to see me in person. You might see colours, you might feel warmth – or even cold – in different parts of your body. You might feel fine sensations of pins and needles. You will certainly feel very relaxed, and might even drop off to sleep. If you don’t feel anything, don’t worry, the Reiki is still working. You may feel effects afterwards.
Remember that the Reiki energy you get is exactly what you need at that moment; therefore, everybody’s experience of Reiki is unique to them. Occasionally, Reiki can quickly clear stagnant energy out of the system, which may feel like a cold, or tiredness etc. Keep hydrated, rest if you need to, and know that it will pass and you’ll feel better once it is out of your system!
When the session is over, don’t get up straight away; make sure you lie or sit where you’ve had the session for a further five minutes or so, at the end of the session so that you don’t startle your body.
The Reiki energy stays in your body, doing its healing and relaxing work on you for up to about a week and a half after each session. It is advisable to drink plenty of water afterwards, and avoid alcohol if possible for 12 hours after the healing.
I will then message or call you to chat through what you experienced and if anything came up for me whilst doing the healing.
We can book a follow up session if required.