Creative Wonder Walks

Creative Wonder Walks
A transformational experience within wild nature, exploring potent creative and mindful practices to release stress and overwhelm and come back home to yourself, feeling at peace, inspired and fully-resourced.
As featured on BBC Radio 4’s Open Country, these Creative Wonder Walks offer a transformational experience in nature. Based primarily in West Penwith in Cornwall, they are a unique way to deepen our connection to ourselves and wild nature through restorative, creative practices.
In these two hours together you will be expertly held so that you can gently release the layers of stress and fatigue, breathe, immerse yourself in nature, reflect, playfully create and connect with your unique, beautiful, expansive self.
Combining techniques rooted in Forest Bathing and Creative Mindfulness, I will guide you into a profound experience of Wild Calm - an enriching experience of yourself in relation to the natural world around you.
Along the way, we will practice quiet mindful walking so that you become consciously aware of every movement of your body in relation to the land. With each step, you will become more receptive and fully present within your body and each passing moment. Embodying this practice in nature will support you when you return to the busy-ness of everyday life.
Why the creative aspect? We are often super-critical of ourselves, and don’t give ourselves permission to ‘indulge’ in drawing and creative play - and yet in the very act of creative expression we open a window to inspiration, insight and expansion that might otherwise be out of reach. Our response to the wild beauty of our surroundings will be our focus for the creative element of our walk.
Our creative practices will involve simple but powerful techniques such as:
Drawing your breath
Sensory mark-making
Double-hand drawing
Exercises such as these help you to connect with all of your senses and engage both sides of your brain, unlocking your receptivity and allowing you to enter a ‘flow state’ which is both deeply calming and inspiring. No experience of art or creativity is necessary.
In our time together, I will also be creating space for ceremony to connect respectfully to the land that we move through. In doing this, we create a safe and nurturing container for our experiences and allow deeper reflections to come through.
These techniques combined invite you to fully embody the present moment and truly arrive within yourself.
*Includes art materials
Limited places so booking is necessary.
These Creative Wonder Walks are a beautiful opportunity to consciously and compassionately let go of the burdens, anxieties, or negative experiences we no longer want to carry forward, and to welcome in their place positive thoughts, feelings and intentions.
In mindfulness, we are cultivating a non-judgemental awareness of the present moment. In these wild wonder walks, we can tap into the powerful sense of ebb and flow that is always present in nature. It is an opportunity to quieten the internal chatter, and listen more carefully, more compassionately to the quieter voice of our own inner knowing and guidance.
During this experience, we will walk through some dramatic scenery, pause for reflection, contemplation, and mindful, creative practices to help release what we no longer need, and welcome in the new.
Does this resonate with you?
Perhaps you resonate with some of the following:
· You love being in nature and know that it has the power to heal and uplift you
· You feel depleted or overstretched and know that it’s time to do something nourishing for yourself
· Taking 2 hours to have a gloriously nurturing experience sounds heavenly and your body is saying a positive ‘yes!’ reading this
· You’re open-minded, curious and up for experiencing something new, even if a part of you is a teensy-weensy bit nervous about it
· You appreciate the value of ceremony (meaning doing things with respect and reverence, honouring all things – no religious connotations here)
· You are ready and willing to connect with your inner knowing, and want to honour all aspects of your true self with love and compassion
· Even if you are not a ‘creative person’ you are happy to experiment with simple creative practices simply as a process of expression and connection, knowing that there is no expectation of bringing home a finished piece of art (although that may also happen)...
These guided experiences are for small groups of up to 8. You are welcome to bring friends or come on your own, you will feel at home either way.
Please note: it can be muddy and uneven underfoot, and will be uphill for some of the way. We also sometimes cross some ancient stiles. Whilst it is not an energetic stomp, it is unsuitable for those with limited mobility. If you do have some mobility concerns and would like to join a wonder walk more suited for you, then please do get in touch. I am always open to creating whatever is needed!